🐱💻 Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This!
As a cybersecurity expert, you will have a huge range of career options across a wide variety of industries. Plus the demand and payscale are amazing!! 😎 But is IT security a specialist field? So the question remains — how do you get your foot in the door? Join us this Friday at 12:00 pm on our LIVE Stream.
We will interview Jason Eckert, Dean of Technology at TriOS College. From career paths to certification, he will walk us through the nuts and bolts of getting your cybersecurity career started. A LITTLE SNEAK PEEK: There is no one true path to working in cybersecurity. People come at it from all angles – math, computer science, even history or philosophy. Yet all of them share a deep and abiding interest in how technology works. Don’t miss this LIVE.